Home Buying Misconceptions

by | Jul 1, 2020

In order to see a house, do I need to call the agent listed on the sign?

Some buyers think that the agent on the sign is the only agent that can show them the property. As a real estate agent, we can show a buyer a house regardless of who has the home listed. The agent on the sign represents the seller and is looking out for the sellers best interest. As a buyer, you should find an agent that you like, trust and feel comfortable with. You want someone that is going to represent you and be looking out for your best interest.

Should I wait until I find the perfect home before I talk to a lender?

Looking at homes before you’ve met with a lender is putting the cart before the horse. The first step should be meeting with a lender to find out what types of loans you qualify for and are the best choice for you. A lender will help you determine what you can afford and how much money you will need down. This is important as it will help you narrow the field to focus on the houses that make sense for you. And then, when you find the perfect home, you’ll be prepared to make an offer! If you don’t have a lender you already want to work with, you agent can recommend some to you.

Will I get a better deal and save money if I don’t use a real estate agent to buy a home?

Real Estate agents know the market and are experienced in negotiating on behalf of our clients. We do it all the time! We can and will hep you get the best deal. The best part, you don’t have to pay us for our time and expertise. Many buyers don’t understand the real estate agents’ commission is paid by the seller and is set to split between the two real estate agents, the agent representing the seller (the listing agent) and the agent representing the buyer.