How can I find out if I am buying in a safe neighborhood? There are lots of great resources you can use to learn about neighborhoods. While Realtors aren’t permitted to give specific direction on this, there are other ways to check. Spend some time in each area, talk...
In order to see a house, do I need to call the agent listed on the sign? Some buyers think that the agent on the sign is the only agent that can show them the property. As a real estate agent, we can show a buyer a house regardless of who has the home listed. The...
Is this a good time to invest in Real Estate? Well we certainly live in more uncertain times than before, but even in more stable times, no one knows for sure what the market is going to do. Trying to time the market perfectly usually doesn’t work out. The fact is...
How important is preparing your home for sale? Does it really impact value? Having your home show-ready is very important. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Your home should be cleaned up, with things in their correct location. Remove...
How do you think home values will be affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic? If this Pandemic holds true to previous Pandemics, although sales and listing have come to all but a complete stop, there should hopefully be minimal (if any) decrease in the values of properties...
When should you sell your house – after you buy your next one? If you already own a home, it’s a basic question and the answer is as individual as you are. Generally speaking, under most market conditions, real estate professionals advise listing your present...